Neermukile – Essence, Nature, Universe directed by  Unnee Udayakumar


Neermukile – Essence, Nature, Universe

A Painter(HE) who lives in the woods and a Dancer(SHE) who belongs to the masses are on their search for the truth about Reality. While the Painter draws undistracted inspiration from Mother Nature, the Dancer has to persevere through the noises around her and the blockers inside her to fulfil her quest.

As both approach an awakening to the Ultimate Truth, they also become increasingly aware of each other’s existence.

Do they find each other ? Can they accept what they learn ?

Director Biography – Unnee Udayakumar

Unnee Udayakumar is an Engineer by profession and a Musician and a Filmmaker by passion. He lives in Melbourne, Australia. With his keen interest in Philosophy, Physics, Spirituality and Classical Arts, Unnee aspires to contribute messages to the world that should bind them together as “One People” despite the borders, religions and traditions that now divide them.



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